Rowly's employees
Contact us

Contact information

Although we offer technology and automation, the heart of RowlyGO is people.

We want your business to succeed. We know the daily challenges of rental businesses inside and out, and we’re ready to help you whenever you need it. Leave your contact details in the form below, and we’ll get in touch soon! You can also book a remote meeting, pick up the phone, or even stop by our office in Kuopio.

Customer service
+358 10 582 7300


Onboarding, training and customer support

Product development

Pasi Pesonen project manager

Pasi Pesonen

Product manager
Janne Voutilainen ohjelmistokehittäjä

Janne Voutilainen

Software developer
Ville Raukola ohjelmistokehittäjä

Ville Raukola

Software developer
Teemu Litmanen ohjelmistokehittäjä

Teemu Litmanen

Software developer

Company board

Kim Väisänen hallituksen puheenjohtaja

Kim Väisänen

Chairman of the board
Joni Posti asiakkuusjohtaja

Joni Posti

Board member
Mikko Juuti hallituksen jäsen

Mikko Juuti

Board member


Kisällinkatu 8
70780 Kuopio

+358 50 360 5955

Start free trial

Fill out the form below to get your free test credentials. Try the software with no commitment and see for yourself how it can simplify your rental business operations.
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